This award-winning experimental horror short film follows Hutter, an intense evangelical, plagued by a mysterious illness. He locks himself inside his home trying to pray his illness away, but soon discovers the sinister origin of his sickness.
Currently playing in the festival circuit
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A Gaping Wound
A Grinning Mouth
Recently nominated by NATAS, this surreal horror film follows an obsessive actress trapped within a cursed theatrical production. She is forced to choose between her career and her life.
Currently in the festival circuit
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Black Balloons
Developed as part of the Hive Collaborative’s Ten Show Film Festival, this film went through the entire development process within ten days. At the festival, it was awarded “Best Film”, “Best Script”, “Best Actor”, and “Best Actress”. Black Balloons follows three strangers who find themselves mysteriously attending a birthday they don't remember being invited to. They soon discover things are far more sinister than they first appear.